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科学家发现新型电池 可充电数十万次不受损!

时间:2024-02-01    来源:333体育官网平台    人气:

本文摘要:Poor battery life is the number one complaint when it comes to smartphones and laptops. As a wireless society, having to tether ourselves down to power up our gadgets seems more and more a nuisance. And while researchers are looking into w


Poor battery life is the number one complaint when it comes to smartphones and laptops. As a wireless society, having to tether ourselves down to power up our gadgets seems more and more a nuisance. And while researchers are looking into wireless charging, if batteries were better we would have to worry less.电池寿命短是智能手机和笔记本电脑的头号难题。在无线社会里,设备线充对我们来说或许更加沦为一件烦人的事情。虽然研究人员正在找寻无线充电的办法,但如果有更佳的电池,那么我们的担忧也可以减低了。

Now, a new technology promises just that. Researchers from the University of California, Irvine, have invented a nanowire-based battery that can be recharged hundreds of thousands of times, a significant leap towards a battery that doesnt require replacing.现在,一项新的技术的可以做这点了。来自加利福尼亚大学欧文分校的研究人员发明者了一种纳米线电池,该电池可以电池几十万次而不必替换,这是电池发展的众多进步。Nanowires possess several ideal characteristics for electric storage and transmission. They are highly conductive and thousands of times thinner than a human hair, which means they can be arranged to provide a large surface area for electron transfer. Unfortunately, nanowires are usually very fragile and dont do well after repeated charging and discharging.纳米线具备蓄电和传输方面的若干理想特性。



The researchers, whose findings are published in the American Chemical Societys Energy Letters, have coated gold nanowires in manganese dioxide and cocooned them in a Plexiglas-like gel. This combination keeps all the properties of the nanowires intact and makes them resistant to fractures.将这项研究结果公开发表在《美国化学学会·能源通讯》上的研究人员给金质纳米线包在了一层壳,后用树脂玻璃之类的凝胶薄层展开包覆。这种融合使纳米线的所有性能维持恒定,并使其耐热耗损。Mya Le Thai, the lead study author, has charged and discharged the battery up to 200,000 times without breaking the nanowires and without loss of capacity.这项研究的带头人妙莱泰早已给电池展开了200000次充放电的操作者,之后找到纳米线并没损坏,电池容量也没损失。Mya was playing around, and she coated this whole thing with a very thin gel layer and started to cycle it, said senior author Reginald Penner, chair of UCIs chemistry department, in a statement. She discovered that just by using this gel, she could cycle it hundreds of thousands of times without losing any capacity.妙莱泰不时在测试,她给金质纳米线包在了一层壳并开始给纳米线充放电, 加利福尼亚大学欧文分校化学系主任、资深作家雷金纳德在一份声明中说道。

她找到,只要用这种凝胶,她就可以充放电成百上千次而不丧失任何容量。That was crazy, he added, because these things typically die in dramatic fashion after 5,000 or 6,000 or 7,000 cycles at most.这过于可怕了,他补足说,因为最多经过5000、6000或7000个电池周期,这些物质一般都会丧失起到。

The researchers believe that the combination of the PMMA (plexiglass-like) gel electrolyte and the magnesium oxide gives flexibility and structure to the nanowires, preventing cracking and thus extending their operational life.研究人员指出,有机玻璃等凝胶电解质和氧化镁的结合物为纳米线获取了可以避免其裂开的灵活性和结构,从而缩短其使用寿命。The coated electrode holds its shape much better, making it a more reliable option, Thai said. This research proves that a nanowire-based battery electrode can have a long lifetime and that we can make these kinds of batteries a reality.被涂层的电极保持自身形态的能力很强得多,因此是更加可信的选项。妙莱泰说道。










