接连被盗 全球银行面临网络攻击风险
- 时间:2024-10-25 来源:333体育官网平台 人气:
本文摘要:Thieves have again found their way into what was thought to be the most secure financial messaging system in the world and stolen money from a bank. The crime appears to be part of a broad computer attack on global banking.盗贼再度侵略了据信是世界上最安全
Thieves have again found their way into what was thought to be the most secure financial messaging system in the world and stolen money from a bank. The crime appears to be part of a broad computer attack on global banking.盗贼再度侵略了据信是世界上最安全性的金融电文系统,从一家银行拿走了钱。盗贼或许在对全球银行积极开展普遍的计算机反击,这起犯罪事件就科其一。
New details about a second attack involving the system, Swift — used by thousands of banks and companies to move money around the world — are emerging as investigators try to solve an $81 million heist from the central bank of Bangladesh in February.数以千计的银行和公司用于Swift在世界各地调转资金,这早已是第二起牵涉到该系统的反击,今年二月孟加拉国央行曾被盗回头8100万美元,随着对该事件的调查了解,细节逐步显露出来。The second attack involves a commercial bank that Swift declined to identify. But in a letter Swift plans to share with its users on Friday, the messaging network warned that the two attacks had numerous similarities and were probably part of a “wider and highly adaptive campaign targeting banks.”第二起反击牵涉到一家商业银行,电文网络Swift拒绝接受透漏其名字。
但Swift计划在周五向用户公布公开信,警告大家这两起反击事件有诸多相似之处,而且很有可能从归属于一个“更加普遍的、适应力极强的银行偷窃行动”。The unusual warning from Swift — a copy of which was reviewed by The New York Times — shows how serious the financial industry is treating these attacks. Swift said the thieves, possibly acting with help from bank employees, got their hands on network credentials, initiated fraudulent transfers, and installed malware on bank computers to disguise their actions.《纽约时报》看见了这封信的副本,Swift收到这样的警告不同寻常,它表明金融业对此类反击严阵以待。
Swift说道,盗贼有可能与银行内应指使,取得了网络凭证,然后发送到欺诈性汇款,并且在银行的计算机里加装恶意软件来掩盖偷窃行动。“The attackers clearly exhibit a deep and sophisticated knowledge of specific operation controls within the targeted banks — knowledge that may have been gained from malicious insiders or cyberattacks, or a combination of both,” Swift said in its warning, which is expected to be posted on a secure part of its website Friday morning.“情况很确切,攻击者十分理解目标银行的业务掌控细节——有可能是来自于银行内应,也有可能是通过网络攻击方式取得的,或者两者均有。”Swift在警告中说道。
这封信计划于周五上午在其网站的安全性版块中公布。The security problems are not necessarily with the messaging network but with security controls at Swift’s bank customers. Criminals have found ways to exploit loopholes in bank security to gain computer access and dispatch fraudulent Swift messages.安全性问题不一定出有在Swift身上,有可能是由于其银行客户的安全控制。
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